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Rabbit Rabbit

posted by graham on

Growing up, my family had a tradition: every first morning of the month, before you said anything else to each other, you'd say "rabbit rabbit." It was always the first words of the first of the month, and always two rabbits. Like so many family traditions, I learned the rules and never questioned the origins nor the point of it. It's just "what you do."

Years went by, and then in school, a friend of mine and I were talking about family traditions one day, and she mentioned that her family said "rabbit" on the first day of the month. This was the first time I'd ever heard of anyone else doing it, but her family always said one rabbit, not two. We figured this was the same tradition, just that one of us was doing it wrong. We began a competitive game where every month, the first one of us to tell the other rabbit rabbit -- or in her case, rabbit -- would win bragging rights, as a way to insist our respective version was the correct one.

Over time, we added rules like "it doesn't matter when the person reads the message, it matters when you sent